Europe is cracking down on the Omicron variant


France 3

Article written by

B. Delombre, N. Morin, A. Benbournane France 3 Côte d’Azur, N. Sadok – France 3

France Televisions

If France does not issue any severe restrictions in response to the fifth wave of Covid-19, some European neighbors are choosing to take new measures to slow down the current wave, as well as the sixth announced.

Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Italy have decided to tighten the screw. The Scandinavian country has seen its number of positive cases double in just eight days. Faced with this explosion, Denmark announced new instructions on Friday, December 17. “Theaters, cinemas, amusement parks, zoos, reception halls, and all places with large crowds will have to close.“, said Mette Frederiksten, Danish Prime Minister, during her address.

Across Europe, the health situation is deteriorating, especially in the United Kingdom, which is breaking records of contamination, with 93,000 positive cases recorded during the last 24 hours. Germany has not yet reached an exorbitant rate of contamination, but has opened up vaccination to all children. The country’s authorities fear the coming weeks. “We must prepare for a challenge that we have never had to face since the start of the pandemic“, says Karl Lauterbach, the German Federal Minister of Health.

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