Eric Zemmour: Cancellation of a speaker from “Face à Baba”, the reason revealed

In the campaign for the presidential elections, Eric Zemmour has chosen to participate in Cyril Hanouna’s new program, Facing Baba. Broadcast live on December 16, 2021 on C8, the program aims to interview the candidate for the presidency of the Republic, putting him in front of a dozen speakers from very diverse backgrounds. Among the chosen guests is actor and director Mathieu Kassovitz. Last minute twist: the one to whom we owe Hate and Order and morality, hero of Legends Office, canceled his visit. In question : he contracted the Covid-19 virus!

At the end of the show Do not touch My TV, Cyril Hanouna who announces the rest of the program with the launch of his new show Facing Baba, announces that one of the participants could not join the team. Mathieu Kassovitz has been reported positive for Covid-19 and is therefore isolated at home. “He sent us a message, we’ll start with him“, explains the presenter-star of C8. He specifies in passing and with humor that Eric Zemmour was not at all against the presence of the artist who does not handle the tongue of wood.

When the show Facing Baba starts a few minutes after this announcement, the host unveils the video of Mathieu Kassovitz. Known for his rants, the filmmaker and actor expresses himself in a very calm manner: “Good evening, this little video message to apologize for not being with you this evening because I am unfortunately confined to the house. I would have liked to debate with the candidate Zemmour and I would have liked to understand certain elements of his logic, compared to his own history also which is close to mine. “ He wonders about their common points and does not understand how they can have such different discourses, praising the interbreeding. He finishes : “I find a lot of cynicism in this situation. I would have liked to discuss it with you. “

Eric Zemmour wishes Mathieu Kassovitz a speedy recovery and takes advantage of the air to proclaim his admiration as an actor of the Legends Office, a series he loves. Quickly, he distinguished himself by explaining that he mixed up the terms and claimed the notion of assimilation by opposing it to miscegenation.

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