Parliament gives green light to quotas for management positions

The bill provides for the establishment of a quota of representation of each sex among senior executives and members of the governing bodies of companies of at least 1 000 employees : at least 30% women in 2027, and 40% in 2030.

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Break the “glass ceiling”. The Parliament adopted definitively Thursday, December 16, by a final vote of the Senate, a bill which establishes quotas of women in the management positions of large companies. Supported by the LREM deputy Marie-Pierre Rixain, president of the delegation for women’s rights at the National Assembly, the bill for a “real economic and professional equality” between women and men plans in particular to establish a quota of representation of each sex among senior executives and members of the governing bodies of companies with at least 1,000 employees: at least 30% women in 2027, and 40% in 2030 .

Starting in 2030, companies will have two more years to become compliant. Financial penalties may apply in the event of failure thereafter. In a logic of “name and shame” (name and blame), these companies will also have to publish each year on the site of the Ministry of Labor the gender gaps.

In addition to quotas, the text includes “diversity objectives” in supporting the companies of the public bank BpiFrance. It further aims to “fight against gender bias” in professional choices, thanks in particular to a “equality index” in higher education establishments, and more mixed admission juries.

To prevent economic violence within the couple, it provides for the obligation to pay wages and individual social benefits into a bank account of which the employee is the holder or joint holder.

It also aims to facilitate the reception in crèche of children from single-parent families, paid by women in 85% of cases. The beneficiaries of the shared child education service, again predominantly women, will have access to training actions.

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