Variant Omicron, relations with Russia, energy… What are the issues on the program of the European Council summit?

The leaders of the Twenty-Seven are meeting in Brussels (Belgium), from Thursday, December 16, for their last meeting of the year, a few days before the start of the French presidency of the Council of the European Union, on January 1 .

This summit will be the first for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, his Austrian counterpart Karl Nehammer and Swedish Prime Minister Madgalena Andersson. Progress of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, threat of conflict between Russia and Ukraine, migration issues … What will be the main topics on the table Thursday and Friday? Franceinfo takes stock.

The rise of the Omicron variant

During this summit, the European Council “will discuss the current epidemiological situation, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the emergence of a new variant”, warns the institution * bringing together the Heads of State and Government of the Twenty-Seven, and responsible for driving EU policies. European leaders will try to improve their coordination on Thursday, in the face of the epidemic resumption and the rapid progression of the Omicron variant, which could become dominant in the EU by mid-January.

On Wednesday, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) * ruled “very high” the risks of the new variant for public health. The European agency recommended measures such as a return to teleworking as well as great caution during holidays and end-of-year travel. Several European countries, such as Italy and Greece, have started unilaterally restricting the conditions for entering their territory. “EU leaders will call for swift implementation of the Council’s new recommendations on travel within and to the EU”, warns the European Council.

The acceleration of vaccine campaigns will also be at the heart of the debates. “More than ever, vaccination, including third doses, remains our best tool in the fight against the pandemic”, supported the President of the European Council, the former Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, in his letter * addressed to the leaders of the Member States. At present, 67% of the European population have a complete vaccination schedule. The issue of compulsory vaccination should be addressed, even if the subject is the choice of each Member State.

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine

The threat of a new conflict between Moscow and Kiev will be another dominant part of this summit, with the consideration of additional sanctions in the event of an attack by Russia.

The situation in eastern Ukraine has already emerged on Wednesday, during the summit organized in Brussels between the leaders of the 27 and their counterparts from the Eastern Partnership countries – Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia. and Azerbaijan. “We talked about a resumption of negotiations with Russia for a diplomatic solution and we discussed sanctions”, said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. “Ukraine does not give in to any provocation at the border and has no aggressive attitude”, he stressed, before deciding to adopt preventive European sanctions against Russia.

“Sanctions are already in place and we are ready to add more if necessary.”

Charles Michel, President of the European Council

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, clarified that“we were asked to prepare options and we did our homework”. These different options, faced with the escalation between Russia and Ukraine, will be discussed on Thursday, she assured. “In the event of further military aggression, the cost to Russia will be very high and there will be serious consequences.” However, the EU’s room for maneuver seems limited to some.

More broadly, the “strategic compass” will also be one of the themes of the summit. This White Paper on European Defense and Security must set out the state of threats in Europe, and “orientations and ambitions” to answer. “The European Council will propose guidelines on this project, presented on November 9”, specifies the institution.

Migration and the situation in Belarus

The issue of migration is also on the agenda. Leaders want implementation “without delay” action plans with countries of origin and transit of migrants and call on the Commission to ensure that “necessary funds are mobilized”, according to a provisional version of the conclusions.

“We will also come back to the situation in Belarus, and how best to counter the hybrid attack launched by the regime with a determined response”, specified Charles Michel in his letter to the attention of the leaders of the Twenty-Seven. It will also be a question of addressing “all dimensions” of this crisis on the border between Belarus and Poland, “with respect for fundamental rights”.

Brussels accuses the Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, of having organized migratory flows by issuing visas for his country, then by channeling the arrivals to the borders of Poland and, to a lesser extent, of Lithuania. A way, for the leader, to take revenge for Western sanctions taken against the regime after the repression of an opposition movement, according to the EU.

The economy and rising energy prices

The debate will then focus on the energy crisis, against a backdrop of soaring prices, even if no concrete decision is expected. The answer to be given divides the countries: some member states such as France and Spain plead for a reform of the European electricity market, while a majority of states remain reluctant, considering the economic crisis and deeming more efficient national consumer support systems.

A debate is also expected with the President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, on the economic situation in Europe and the possible impact of the Omicron variant on the recovery.

* These links refer to pages in English.

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