Emmanuel Macron chose to do a river interview, recorded, to present his results four months before the presidential election, without making his candidacy official. It was broadcast simultaneously on LCI and TF1 and was hosted by Audrey Crespo-Mara and Darius Rochebin, addressing the key topics of his five-year term such as the Covid-19 and the health crisis, the yellow vests, the economic situation or the reforms. but not only. The President of the Republic reacted to the Nicolas Hulot affair, he who was his Minister for the Ecological Transition for a year, and also to his shocking sentences which marked the French. Among these, there is one that he particularly regrets.
Audrey Crespo-Mara shows that during the first eighteen months of his presidency, Emmanuel Macron marked the spirits with his controversial statements, as when he advised a young unemployed horticulturalist to cross the street to find one, stressing the image of a leader “arrogant“. When we ask him what are the words he regrets the most, the President of the Republic chooses”successful people and those who are nothing“, delivered on June 29, 2017, during a speech at the inauguration of the Station F start-up campus in Paris.
“It’s all the more unfair for me because I remember very well what I said when I said ‘there are people who are successful and others who are nothing’. We can not say that. (…) I spend ten minutes telling them ‘you are entrepreneurs, that’s great, but basically, being an entrepreneur isn’t much if you don’t help others and you don’t help that the company extends a hand to everyone. I have this formula, when you take it like that which is terrible – it turns out that they said that about me, he is nobody, he is nothing [il fait allusion aux attaques du candidat de Reconquête! Eric Zemmour] -, it is terribly hurtful. I have acquired a conviction, it is necessary to shake things up. I remain, with as much willpower, to shake up the system. But I learned one thing, and that is that you don’t do anything about it if you aren’t steeped in infinite respect for everyone. I think in some of my words I hurt people. And I think we can make a difference without hurting people.“