Over 40 artists in one George Harrison music video

To mark the 50th anniversary of the album’s release All Things Must Pass by George Harrison, director Lance Bangs shot a music video for the song My Sweet Lord. Ringo Starr, Mark Hamill, Darren Criss and Fred Armisen are among the forty artists who took part.

Véronique Larocque

Véronique Larocque

The clip opens as Mark Hamill (aka Luke Skywalker in Star wars) gives a mission to two secret agents, played by Fred Armisen and Vanessa Bayer.

The duo travel around Los Angeles in search of “something”. After examining the shelves of a library, Fred Armisen walks into a movie theater. There are many faces among moviegoers, including that of Ringo Starr. Humorous wink: the ex-Beatle gives a little drum lesson to the secret agent.

“George had a lot of humor in all of his clips. So we kept that spirit. The cast includes quite a few of his friends and admirers, many of whom come from the humor scene, ”said Lance Bangs, in an interview with Billboard.

“Making this music video has been the most rewarding experience of my life,” he added.

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