Putin shows good understanding with Chinese President Xi Jinping

(Moscow) The Russian and Chinese presidents displayed their “model” relationship on Wednesday during a videoconference, in full tension with the West, Vladimir Poutine confirming his visit to the Beijing Winter Olympics.

France Media Agency

The friendly tone of the conversation, partly broadcast by Russian television, contrasts with the salutes of Western criticism against Moscow, accused of preparing an invasion of Ukraine, and against Beijing, because of the Chinese repressions in Hong Kong and Xinjiang .

Dithyrambic, Vladimir Poutine praised the quality of the bilateral relationship, based on “non-interference”, “respect for the interests of each” and a “determination to transform the common border into a belt of eternal peace and good neighborliness”.

“I consider these relations as the true model of inter-state cooperation in the 21st century,” the Russian president told his “dear friend” Xi Jinping.

Underlining the “vitality” of the Russian-Chinese relationship, the Chinese president considered that the two countries had become the representatives “of true multilateralism and the defense of international equity and justice”, according to the news agency Xinhua.

The Kremlin’s diplomatic adviser, Yuri Ushakov, noted at the end of the Poutine-Xi discussion that it was an exchange between “two colleagues, two friends”.

This proximity contrasts with the talks, less friendly, that the Russian and Chinese leaders have been able to have in recent weeks with Joe Biden.

Both Beijing and Moscow also disapproved of the US president’s organization last week of a virtual summit on democracy, seeing it as a hostile operation against them.

Olympics and politics

The Kremlin chief confirmed Wednesday that the two men will meet “in person in Beijing”, on the occasion of the opening of the Winter Olympics (February 4-20).

The Chinese leader said he was “impatient”. The two allies have not seen each other face to face since the start of the pandemic.

The Russian president finally noted that he and Xi Jinping were opposed to “any attempt to politicize sport and the Olympic movement”.

China denounced the recent decision of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia not to send political representatives to the Olympics in response to human rights violations, particularly in the predominantly Muslim Chinese region of Xinjiang (Northwest).

Moscow sees this “diplomatic boycott” as an attempt to politicize the Games.

Russia also presents itself as a victim of a Russophobic policy of the West in the sports field.

For her, the multiple doping scandals that undermine her credibility are instrumentalized by her geopolitical rivals.

Accused since 2015 of having orchestrated an institutional doping system, Russia is suspended from major international competitions until 2022.

Russian “clean” athletes are however allowed to participate as neutral athletes and will be in Beijing.

Russian officials, including Mr. Putin, are banned from attending international competitions except at the invitation of the head of state of the host country. This will be the case in Beijing.

Tensions with the West

In spite of the accumulation of reports, testimonies of whistleblowers and scientific analyzes, Moscow denies having set up a state doping system, affirming that it is about individual abuses.

For its part, China is regularly criticized by Washington and its allies about Taiwan, the treatment of the Uyghur Muslim minority or the restriction of political freedoms in its semi-autonomous territory of Hong Kong.

Moscow and Beijing have seen their respective relations with the West deteriorate over the years and want to project the image of two united nations as a counterweight.

Permanent members of the UN Security Council, the two countries have also strengthened their ties in the fields of economy, defense and energy.

Russia is currently being criticized by the West for its maneuvers on the Ukrainian border, causing some to fear an invasion of Ukraine.

Moscow retorts that it is threatened by NATO’s increased military presence in Eastern Europe and its support for Kiev.

The subject will be on the table of a summit Wednesday of the European Union with the former Soviet republics within the framework of the Eastern Partnership which Moscow takes a dim view.

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