what are the rules?

All summer, in “It’s my business”, we are interested in the family. With this question today, the question of holidays when you are a separated couple.

The rule in the case of a separated couple is that of sharing by half, school holidays. But beware, this is done on the basis of the official national education calendar, according to the children’s academy. If, for example, your child stops his lessons at the end of June, because there are exams in his establishment, the holidays are not deemed to have started, so the sharing does not begin.

franceinfo: Are there several ways to share the holidays?

Philippe Duport: Yes, it can be the first half, the even years, and the second half, the odd years. For this, half of the school holidays must be defined. For this, there are tools on the Internet. By typing “holiday middle calculation”, you will find answers on the exact middle to which the switch must be made.

We can adjust this date, agreeing that the transfer of children will necessarily take place on a weekend, to align with vacation rentals. Parents can also decide to share the children by fortnight. We take into account the beginning and the end of the holidays, and we divide by four. Problem: it can fall in the middle of the week.

Who should pay for the transportation of the children?

In principle, indicates Me Fadela Houari, lawyer at the Paris bar, specializing in family and heritage law, it is the parent who benefits from the right of visitation, the one who takes them every other weekend for example, who must pick up the children at home, and bring them back to their main home. The parents can of course conclude another agreement, half-distance for example.

What happens if one of the two parents cannot take their children for the holidays?

He must inform the other parent in advance, and it would be fair for him to contribute to the costs that the parent will be forced to assume in addition: paying for a summer camp, for example. If he were to renounce regularly, without offering this support in addition, then the injured parent will be justified in requesting a review of the alimony from the Family Affairs judge.

Should the link with the other parent be maintained during the holidays?

Parents must find out where they are staying and provide contact details so that they can reach their child. No way to call ten times a day, once a week will suffice.

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