legislative elections in the middle of summer holidays


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – V.Lerouge

France Televisions

The early legislative elections in Spain are organized in the middle of the summer holidays, which complicates the ballot. Explanations, Saturday July 22, by Valéry Lerouge, live from Madrid.

“A ballot decided in haste, on May 29, after the debacle in the local elections. A ballot in the middle of summer, it may seem daring, even curious, especially seen from France”, observes journalist Valéry Lerouge, live from Madrid, Saturday July 22. However, he explains that the Spaniards “mostly take their holidays during the month of August”, and that they were also “able to vote by paper mail”. 2.4 million voters did so during the week.

“No other choice”

“Above all, according to several Spanish political scientists, Pedro Sanchez, the Prime Minister had no other choice: his left-wing coalition was disintegrating over the course of the internal struggles. The debacle in the local elections finished this coalition, and that promised a blockage in Parliament, and a slow agony of his government between now and the elections which were initially expected by the end of the year”, adds the journalist. The polls predict the success of the popular right.

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