friendly smiles and sunny tete-a-tete!

In July 2020, Edouard Philippe left his post as Prime Minister after three years of good and loyal service, in order to regain his post as mayor of the city of Le Havre. Despite his departure, the 52-year-old politician continues to strongly comment on the decisions of the current government, he who does not rule out the idea of ​​returning to the national forefront one day.

In March 2023, the former Prime Minister came to the set of the show Daily to discuss the strong tensions that have arisen in the country following the stormy adoption of the pension reform. Viewers were able to see that the 52-year-old father has changed a lot, he who suffers from two pathologies: alopecia which causes hair loss, body hair and eyebrows and vitiligo which depigments his hair. It is therefore bare-headed, beardless and without eyebrows that he proudly appeared before declaring that he considers himself lucky that the symptoms of his pathologies arrived at the dawn of his fifties and not in his youth because that would perhaps have been very difficult to live with.

“It’s a job of seduction and incarnation, so obviously the physical aspect matters. […] But I trust the common sense and intelligence of our fellow citizens. And so I say: ‘Well yes, I have vitiligo and I have alopecia’. It’s like that. I tell you, do what you want with it. If you think that pisses me off, I can’t help it. And then, if you think you have to be a playboy in France to be elected, I still have some counter-examples, huh! he launched with humor to the columnist Maïa Mazaurette.

Edouard Philipe one-on-one with Brigitte Macron
Very active on Twitter, Edouard Philippe shared on June 17, the photos of the inauguration of the new “esplanade Jacques Chirac” in Le Havre… all in the presence of the daughter of the former President of the Republic, Claude Chirac. This Tuesday, July 18, 2023, it was the current first lady, Brigitte Macron, whom he welcomed to the city famous for its port.

The chosen one thus shared photos of him in a rather casual summer look consisting of a light shirt and jeans, and of Brigitte Macron, always so elegant in a light gray suit. Together, they did not hesitate to go for a drink in a restaurant, as evidenced by the pictures of their sunny tete-a-tete. We note that the wife of Emmanuel Macron was there to find a place intended to accommodate one of the structures of the association which she chairs, the Institute of Vocations for Employment.


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