A “ticket” for having played in the street in Mirabel makes people react

An “awareness” note delivered by Mirabel police officers on July 13 and posted on Twitter on Sunday caused a strong reaction.

The photo, which shows a ticket, was shared by Marc-Olivier Neveu, former candidate for mayor of Saint-Jérôme and urban planning student at UQAM.

“I wonder (still) what are the grounds for banning children from playing in the street on a suburban residential street. The street should belong to everyone, not just cars,” he wrote in his message along with the photo.

In the regulations of the City of Mirabel, it is indeed written that “it is forbidden to play in a public place other than in places set up for this purpose”, according to the document consulted by TVANouvelles.ca

As this is a ticket, no fine appears to have been imposed.

  • Our collaborator Nicole Gibeault, retired judge, discusses this incident in Mirabel via QUB-radio :

Comments swept across Twitter after Marc-Olivier Neveu’s post.

“Accidents !! Well done champ! You have done great brain research!” writes user @d1laroche.

“Well then. A residential street is not an urban boulevard. For the security argument, we will come back. In addition, right next to Saint-Colomban, free play in the streets is authorized, ”replies Mr. Neveu.

Many Internet users have denounced this regulation which they considered to be much too strict.

“Sad, sad, sad. […] Ridiculous. […] How sad. I played in the street all my childhood. Is it too much to ask motorists to adopt passive and safe driving in residential neighborhoods?” commented several people on Twitter.

However, several other municipalities have adopted by-laws allowing children and families to use the street to play in a safe manner.

The City of Beloeil, in particular, has a special program allowing children and families to play in 65 streets of the municipality in a safe environment.

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