how to protect and secure your home during the holidays?

Are you going on vacation soon but you are afraid for your home? This is completely normal ! Indeed, each year, there are approximately 250,000 burglaries, throughout France. These burglaries, particularly carried out during the summer period, worry many French people, who are reluctant to leave their homes unattended during their holidays.

To avoid unpleasant surprises when you return from vacation, Ici Paris has selected all the economical and easy-to-implement solutions for you to secure your accommodation!

5 : this is the number of minutes sufficient to burglarize a home

Invest in a secure lock

As a first step, we advise you to invest in a secure lock, model A2P. Indeed, these locks are certified by the National Center for Prevention and Protection (CNPP)

Armor your door

If your front door is not very resistant, lining and shielding can be two interesting solutions to protect your home. To do this, you can place a steel plate behind your door or directly install an armored door.

Did you know ? There are three families in armored doors, classified from 1 to 3 stars according to their duration of resistance.

Install CCTV and an alarm system

For complete security of your home, opt for high-performance video surveillance and an alarm system. Controlled from a smartphone, these solutions protect your home, inside and out!

Put bars or blinds on your windows

Are your windows located on the ground floor? To protect your home, bet on the bars or on the rolling shutters, equipped with an anti-lifting device. For more security, invest in laminated glass or A2P certified windows.

Ask your neighbors to drop by regularly

Do you have good relations with your neighbors? So do not hesitate to offer them to pass in front of your home, to check if all is well and to pick up your mail. If you really trust him, you can give him your double keys. Otherwise, ask for help from a loved one or register on the Voisins Vigilants et Solitaires platform, which connects neighbors who want to be informed of any suspicious event related to their home.

Register your home in the summer rounds carried out by the police

Another tip: register your home in the summer rounds of your neighborhood police. Indeed, since 1974, Opération Tranquillité Vacances has been offered free of charge by certain municipalities to their inhabitants, so that they can go on a trip with peace of mind!

Do not communicate on social networks

Before and during your stay, never communicate information about your stay! Some burglars actually scan social networks to ensure that their future victims are not there during their actions!

Install motion detectors

Simple and effective, motion detectors equipped with a light that turns on automatically will scare away a potential burglar. You can double the effect with an anti-burglary fog device (or otherwise called a disorientation device), or even with deterrent plates.

Good to know : some home insurance companies offer in their services to secure your home at low cost through partners! So, before opting for one of these solutions, find out!

A box simulating your presence

Practical, this box allows you to simulate your presence… and this in your absence! Remotely, you can turn on your TV or even the lamps in your house!

Hide your valuables

We advise you to hide your valuables in places that are very difficult to access. Because even if a burglary unfortunately happens, your most precious objects will be saved!

To know : depending on your home insurance contract, your house must be secure to be able to benefit from reimbursements in the event of burglary! So find out what your requirements are!


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