what if it was Gérald Darmanin?

There is a name that comes up with insistence to replace Elisabeth Borne, that of the current Minister of the Interior. Agathe Lambret’s political editorial.

There is a name that comes up with insistence to replace Élisabeth Borne, and it is hers. Gérald Darmanin scored points in this sequence on the violence after Nahel’s death: he, the “first cop in France” was able to strike a balance between compassion for the victim and support for the police, while embodying order, returned after a few nights…

But beyond his crisis management, Gérald Darmanin’s strength for Emmanuel Macron is that he has his feet in reality, far from the image of the disconnected macronist. He knows the people, the neighborhoods, life too, he, the son of a cleaning lady. And he prides himself, above all, on playing politics. Several months before the “yellow vests”, the ex-mayor of Tourcoing already warned: “Do not touch the car”. His analyzes have often hit the mark with the president.

>> EDITORIAL. Reshuffle: Emmanuel Macron, more than ever “master of the clocks”

But Gérald Darmanin also has his weaknesses. And first, there is the question of the image. Gérald Darmanin is a divisive man. He, the former spokesperson for Nicolas Sarkozy, at Matignon? The right-handed signal would arouse cries of outrage on the left, and would tense even within an elected majority on overtaking. Some ministers are also wondering if they would remain under his banner in government.

In orbit for 2027?

Just as problematic, the Minister of the Interior could also point to the right: for many elected LR, Gérald Darmanin is a traitor who has gone to the enemy. But his biggest flaw, for someone close to the president, is “his ambition which shines through a little too much“, like his regular offensive for Matignon, who finds himself in one of Release. Nothing better to curb Emmanuel Macron, according to him.

So, can we really speak of a favorite to replace Élisabeth Borne? Maybe even the president doesn’t know that yet. And could Emmanuel Macron share the light with Gérald Darmanin? Nothing is less certain, him, who has always set his sights on discreet personalities. Finally, what is the point of naming him if he does not bring elected LR?

Now, Gérald Darmanin has serious assets in the period: the end of the crisis will be done by the right, while being mixed with common sense and equal opportunities through the school: the host of Beauvau and his popular right perfectly embody these priorities. it is also necessary to measure the weight of the minister in a government crying out for weaknesses. “He’ll threaten to leave if he doesn’t get what he wants“, creak some. But Emmanuel Macron has one last question to decide: will he agree to put a potential candidate for 2027 into orbit? In the choice for Matignon, it is also the succession of the president that is at stake.

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