Trial of Spanish lumberjack accused of theft of hundreds of trees begins


Article written by

H. Puffeney, M.-C. Delouvrié, O. Combe, 1:15 p.m. Saturday, P. Goldmann – France 2

France Televisions

In Ariège, the trial of the Spanish lumberjack who had stolen 350 trees began on Tuesday, December 14. He had disfigured the forests of Perles-et-Castelet almost a year ago.

It was a house lost in the forest, in a bucolic setting. It is now a clear cut, a ransacked ground. All the trees have disappeared, the soil has been turned over by the passage of tractors and polluted by puddles of diesel. The story goes back to last year, when Danielle Segato, the owner, found her parcel devastated. For thirty years every weekend, this Toulousaine came here with her family. Today, she wants to know what was the network behind this looting.

At the time, the gendarmes opened an investigation and arrested loggers from a Spanish company in the act. The company is legally working on several plots, but the manager of this company is said to have stolen hundreds of trees. “What characterizes them is the total and complete I-don’t care about the property of others”, underlines Me. Yves Crouzatier, lawyer for Danielle Segato. The defendant would have robbed at least a dozen owners. He faces five years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros.


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