the unknown dive sites of Sydney Bay


Video length: 5 min.

Article written by

France 2 – A.Forget, A.Védeilhé, Underwater images: Sydney Dive Charters, Rowan Dear

France Televisions

If Australia is famous for its Great Barrier Reef, there are other equally magnificent sites, where you can come across sharks, sea lions and some fascinating fish.

In Sydney Bay (Australia), under the waters bordering the famous opera house, hides an unknown treasure: an exceptional diving site, one of the most beautiful in Australia. At the gates of the city, in the translucent waters, swim schools of fish by the thousands, sharks, and playful sea lions. Sydney Bay would even be one of the best dive sites on the planet, that’s what Jason Miles assures us. This combat diver’s son opened a dive center in Sydney, his hometown, ten years ago. “I don’t know why in Sydney diving is an unsung treasure. People should really come here to dive”says the founder of Sydney Dive Charters.

Confidential sites

That morning, two brothers go diving twice. The first site is known for its high density of sharks. Sea lion species, which can weigh up to 360 kilos, are known for their very mischievous character.

Sydney, Australia’s largest city, offers many dive sites. In the north of the city, a cove attracts hundreds of followers every day. Florian Dusanter, originally from Reims (Marne), and settled here for four years, comes to him to train to obtain his diploma. He no longer wanted to miss out on one of Sydney’s top activities. Sydney Bay, one of the most beautiful in the world, abounds in underwater marvels, still confidential.

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