his truth about his state of health!

She is going better ! Or rather, she lets you think so. Speaking this Monday, July 10, Madonna reassured many fans. Indeed, the 64-year-old diva spoke for the first time since her hospitalization at the end of June.

“Thank you for your positive energy, your prayers, and your words of healing and support. I felt all your love”she wrote in an Instagram post a few hours ago before being reassuring: “I am on the road to recovery and am incredibly grateful for all the blessings I have in my life.”

See also: Madonna found unconscious and transported to the emergency room: what the doctors discovered in her body!

His first thoughts

Subsequently, the interpreter of “Like a virgin” shared what were his first thoughts upon waking up from his announced hospitalization on June 28, 2023. “My first thought when I woke up in hospital was for my children. The second that I didn’t want to disappoint anyone who had bought a seat on my tour. I also don’t want to let go of the people who work tirelessly with me for many months to create this show. I hate to disappoint”she hammered.

In fact, the artist found unconscious after a bacterial infection will do everything to honor the dates of her tour. “Today I will focus on my health and regaining my strength, but I assure you that I will be back as soon as possible!”she promised before however specifying: “At the moment, the plan is that the tour in the North of the United States has been postponed, and should start in October in Europe.”

Will Madonna honor her tour?

Reassuring news when we know that her daughter Lourdes, had admitted to being prepared “at worst”Madonna was hit by a “severe bacterial infection” according to his relatives. His manager, meanwhile, had announced the suspension of all the dates of the world tour which had been organized in the coming months to celebrate his 40-year career. A decision that could ultimately be reviewed.


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