Find out what absolutely not to do on a nudist beach

An octogenarian who has frequented nudist beaches for more than 30 years explained the behaviors to avoid on a nudist beach.

Ronna Krozy, an 81-year-old retired teacher, shared her experience with CNN.

“Nobody knows whether it’s your first time or not,” she said. In fact, it may be easier for you to start in a place where there are a lot of people to expose you.

“You have to act like you’re at a picnic after church,” she added. You must always have a towel with you to sit on. It’s a question of hygiene and respect. Don’t sit too close to another person.”

According to Ronna Krozy, anything that can be linked to the sexualization of the body in order to please another person should be avoided.

“Feel comfortable starting a conversation,” she said. Look people in the eye. This may help direct your attention. […] We don’t take photos or videos without people’s permission.”

She points out that a new nudist should avoid commenting on a person’s appearance.

“Don’t do it, even if you think it’s a compliment,” advised Ronna Krozy.


If a person becomes sexually aroused for one reason or another, they also have a solution.

“I can tell you it doesn’t happen that often,” Ronna Krozy said. But it can happen because of stress or anxiety. It is not necessarily a sexual thought that is involved. If this happens to you, take a towel to cover yourself. You can turn around in the sand or go in the cold water.

“Nobody has a body like in magazines,” she continued. We all have a different height or thickness. We have to accept each other as we are.”

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