franceinfo junior. How does child welfare work?

Lyes Louffok, member of the National Council for Child Welfare, answers children’s questions.

Article written by

Marc Podevin, Cécile Ribault Caillol – franceinfo

Radio France



Reading time : 1 min.

A bill for better protection of children in care is examined in the Senate on Tuesday, December 14, after its adoption in July by the National Assembly. Among the provisions adopted by the deputies, the principle of bringing together siblings, a youth guarantee system to prevent dry exits from Child Welfare and stricter checks on the criminal records of adults who are in contact with children. children.

Lyes Louffok, member of the National Council for Child Protection (CNPE), and author of In the hell of homes, published by Flammarion editions, answers questions from CM2 students at Fondary elementary school in Paris.

What is a host family and how do you find all host families?

Amber, 10 years old, also asks si “do we have enough foster families for the children who need them?” and “How many children are there in homes or foster families in France?” Then, it’s Eliott’s turn to wonder: “Is it the child who chooses whether he is placed in a foster family or in a home? Are the children happy in the homes and are there any animators to do school? “

Finally, Léonie wonders if “Can parents go to jail if their child is beaten?” “How do you do when there is a foster family and if the child is mistreated, are there people who will see how it goes in the foster families?”

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.

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