one year after the liquidation of Maison Phénix, customers are helpless


Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

Article written by


France Televisions

One year after the bankruptcy of Geoxia, the builder of Phénix houses, the nightmare continues for buyers who have not been delivered. For some, the work has not even started. They are now helpless.

Unfinished construction sites, structures without cover, and even land that is still virgin. In the summer of 2022, Geoxiathe builder of Phoenix homes, went bankrupt. Hundreds of buyers saw the project of a paralyzed life. A year later, what has become of these owners? In Ain, on the land of Romuald Guillaume, there are only foundations. However, photo in support, his house had been built last year. Only, the poor workmanship was such that the company which took over the site had to raze it. The construction site started from 0. Delivery is scheduled for September 2024.

The tensions in the building in question

In the meantime, this family lives in a rental house. She is supposed to receive 1,800 euros in compensation per month of delay. But this owner claims to have touched nothing. His case is far from isolated. Of the 1,455 house projects at the time of the judicial liquidation of Geoxianearly half is not yet completed. The fault of the tensions in the building, explains the insurer of the builder who went bankrupt. The insurer of Geoxia ensures that all houses will be completed by 2025.

source site-19
