To my former colleague from Duty Denise Bombardier, who loved France so much.
It is a village in the Val-de-Marne in appearance all that is most peaceful. Near Paris, on the banks of the Bièvre, L’Haÿ-les-Roses takes its name from a magnificent rose garden displaying more than 3000 varieties. Behind these neat facades, however, hides another reality. During the night from Saturday to Sunday, while the mayor’s wife was sleeping peacefully with her children aged five and seven, young people attacked her residence. Using a ram car, they smashed the fence and tried to set fire to the house. The frightened mother had no choice but to flee with her children.
This act of barbarism crowns a week of riots strewn with thousands of fires, mortar, shot or live ammunition intended to injure or kill police officers, municipal agents or ordinary residents. These riots, whose scale exceeds those of 2005, however surprised no one – except perhaps Emmanuel Macron, who attended an Elton John concert during the second night of the riots. Suffice it to quote the words spoken in 2018 by his own Minister of the Interior, Gérard Colomb.
“If I have a message to convey […] is that the situation is very degraded, and the term republican reconquest takes on its full meaning because today, in these neighborhoods, it is the law of the strongest that prevails, that of drug traffickers and radical Islamists, who took the place of the Republic. We must again ensure security in these neighborhoods […] because we live side by side, and I say it, I fear that tomorrow we will live face to face. »
You have to have surveyed these neighborhoods to know that if they are on a war footing, it is not because of a lack of investment and social measures. Since 1977, France has had no less than twelve “suburban plans”! A paradise of social housing, it is the champion of all categories of the most diverse aid, from family allowances to subsidized jobs, including free education and health. It is estimated that it devotes around 10 billion euros annually to these districts where one finds some of the most modern public facilities. Only the most gullible can believe the victim rhetoric. Moreover, a few days before hundreds of looters robbed the city center, Emmanuel Macron had just announced in Marseille investments of 5 billion euros?
No one will be made to believe that these hysterical mobs that burn down schools, daycares, libraries and loot stores have a social ideal. As for that of Zyed and Bouna in 2005, once the legitimate emotion has passed, Nahel’s death will have been only a pretext. These riots in the form of an intifada have no other content than the detestation of France and the affirmation of an increasingly conquering identity. It was Malraux who said that a civilization “is what aggregates around a religion”. Since 2005, we have seen the formation of a veritable parallel society increasingly cemented by Islam and rising crime. To the point where the Jewish populations who lived there have massively deserted these neighborhoods where young people grow up according to mores, a culture and a civility that are less and less French.
According to the Observatory of Immigration and Demography, in L’Haÿ-les-Roses, the proportion of minors and children of non-European immigrants was 4% in 1968, 18% in 1990, to reach 42 % in 2017! These riots are the pure product of the uncontrolled immigration that France has known for 40 years. Everywhere, the experts note that the efforts of integration, like the reduction of the school ratios and the better distribution of the immigrants on the territory, were destroyed by the permanent increase of the flows. We can’t do anything against numbers!
It will obviously always be easier to discard this majority of French people who are called racist because they have been calling for a return to common sense for decades. Notice how secular France is alone in adversity while the Anglo-Saxon press takes up word for word the discourse of the Islamist Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on French “racism”. Words identical to those of the blaster Jean-Luc Mélenchon who, while France was burning, denounced these “watchdogs who order to call for calm”.
For a week, we have once again witnessed the blatant failure of these social engineering policies which believed they were manufacturing French people in three strokes of the spoon. Failing to produce more equality, they have only deepened racial, ethnic and community rivalries as never before. The waves of immigration of the 1990s produced the riots of 2005. Those of the 2000s produced the riots of last week.
Unless we become aware that beyond ideologies, immigration is in itself neither right nor left, neither virtuous nor detestable, but that it must correspond to real capacities for integration, the half- million foreigners who entered France last year, a historic record, heralds even more violent and devastating clashes. The countdown has already begun