in the Landes, students take off for college


Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – M.Subra-Gomez G.Marque, M.Peignier, O. Sauvayre

France Televisions

Throughout the school year, France Télévisions followed a CM1-CM2 class in the Landes. Thursday, July 6, the students bid farewell to their teacher.

At the Jacques Prévert school in Vignau (Landes), Fabrice Réchède, teacher in CM1-CM2, is preparing to welcome his students for the last time. “The children take stock of the year“, he says. For ten months, the cameras of France Televisions followed the methods of this teacher who leaves a great freedom of movement to his pupils in class. His objective is to make them autonomous for the college.

Parents grateful for the school year

Thursday, July 6, former CM2 of the school came. The opportunity for students to ask their questions before entering the big leagues. Fabrice Réchède, who only gives assessments, prepares his students for grades. For a year, the students have made their class a cocoon. The students wanted to thank their teacher and the parents are grateful. “He leaves with a good foundation for college, so we’re not worried.”assures a mother.

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