this French series threatened with a hell of a boycott!

He was loved, hated, and respected. Qualifiers are not lacking when we talk about Bernard Tapie, the famous businessman who notably led Olympique de Marseille to the top of Europe on May 26, 1993. A date that will remain forever etched in the memory of the people of Marseille, allowing the club to win the one and only League Champions for a French team to date. But in addition to his “sports” background, the man who died on October 3, 2021 also made headlines due to various court cases.

These cases will of course be discussed in the next Netflix series entitled “Cup”, scheduled for September 13, 2023. In this series, subscribers to the streaming platform will find Laurent Lafitte in the role of the businessman. A great actor to embody a great man, but at what cost? Indeed, following the announcement of this project, many French people expressed their anger. It started with the ex-girlfriend of Bernard Tapie, Dominique. During his passage on RTL in March 2023, she revealed to Mohamed Bouhafsi that this project had been launched without her consent or that of her late husband.

See also: Bernard Tapie, his house in Saint-Tropez will leave you speechless and its selling price too

Laurent Lafitte in the skin of Bernard Tapie, without any agreement?

“The person who directs this series came to see Bernard, and he said no”, she said, pointing to, without naming him, the director Tristan Séguéla. According to her, Bernard Tapie wanted “leave his story to his son Laurent”. “If someone should tell my life, it will be him”, he reportedly said. As a result, many Internet users expressed their anger when they discovered the trailer for the series with Laurent Lafitte, especially since the project was launched without the agreement of the family and given the controversial nature of the character.

“Boycott the series, cordially”, “We will strongly boycott here”, “#Boycott this crap”, “It looks bad. And its imitation is ridiculous”in particular deplored some Internet users in the comments of the publication netflix. Others were even more vocal in expressing their anger. Laurent Lafitte will therefore have to be well prepared if he wants to convince the most skeptical by taking on the role of Bernard Tapie.


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