Holiday bonus: who is concerned?


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – M. Damoy, L.-A. Delaune O. Poncelet, S. Lisnyj, A. Teyssier

France Televisions

Some employers provide a vacation bonus before the summer holidays. This bonus is appreciated by employees.

It is possible to benefit from a bonus for going on summer vacation. In the Yvelines, the employees of a mill, have just received this bonus. With 370 euros gross, this represents a real boost for his holidays abroad. “I’m going to Portugal, it costs me 700 euros round trip: toll and petrol”, explains Frédéric Lepreux, order picker. For other employees, this bonus makes it possible to look less at the expense.

An uncommon bounty

“With inflation at the moment which means that all prices are increasing (…) it has real added value on the budget”, assures Pierre-Yves Grogler, miller. The holiday bonus is not listed in the Labor Code, but is provided for by certain collective agreements or company agreements. Its amount may vary from one sector to another, but it is always subject to tax. This bonus is not very widespread and is essentially paid by the construction sector.

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