the French are more and more affected by cancer


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – D.Mascret

France Televisions

According to the latest figures released, cancers are more and more numerous in France. Journalist and doctor Damien Mascret, present on the set of 12/13, takes stock of the situation.

There are more and more cancers. Worrying figures have just been revealed. Journalist and doctor Damien Mascret takes stock of the France 3 12/13 set. The number of cancer continues to increase in France. It is estimated that more than 433,000 cancers appeared in 2023. It was 382,000 in 2018“, indicates the journalist. According to the doctor, “more than half of this increase is due to the increase and aging of the population. The older you are, the greater the risk of cancer.“.

Breast cancer: 61,000 cases per year

Damien Mascret indicates that when it comes to the most frequent cancers, “in women, it’s always breast cancer“. There are 61,000 a year. In men, it’s prostate cancer: 60,000 cases a year. For lung cancer, “men are still ahead of women, but that could change“, says the journalist.

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