“Faced with the obvious lack of reservations”, Sheila forced to withdraw, her concert canceled urgently!

Blow to the fans of Sheila… In a message posted on his social networks this Tuesday, July 4, 2023, the 77-year-old artist announced the cancellation of the Aime Festival, scheduled for Montélimar from July 7 to 9. A difficult decision which is unfortunately due to circumstances beyond his control. According to information shared in a press release, “The time allowed for the creation of this first edition unfortunately did not allow public support. In addition, the current context has blocked ticket sales since last Friday.”

Faced with the obvious lack of reservations, we have chosen not to maintain the performances of the scheduled artists and therefore to completely cancel this event so as not to be exposed to very heavy losses., added the Aime Festival team before thanking the people so far involved in the project. Devastated at the thought of not being able to find her audience as planned, Sheila hopes to be able to “to catch up” shortly.

See also:

Sheila close to her audience

Last January, on the occasion of her 60-year career, Sheila spoke at length about her unconditional love for the stage and the public. “The great luck that I have is this relationship that I share with this public with whom I have shared my misfortunes, my happiness, my stories, my doubts while mixing them with theirs, it will not fade. never. It’s 60 years of sharing, good times, bloody quarters of an hour, songs and it extends beyond the songs. It’s a very deep human relationship. I owe it to the people who stay there and who continue to come to see me”, she said at the microphone of France Inter.

And to conclude: “There is no age, we can still find happiness, share moments, be happy together, laugh, sing, smile. It’s priceless. It’s beyond anything “we can win, of all the rewards. My success is there, to be able, after 60 years, at the age that I am, to tell myself that the stage is still there, that we are still able to cry, to laugh together, to sing together. It’s worth all the gold in the world. It’s what keeps me going, what makes me move forward as a woman, as a being. My life is dedicated to giving happiness people on stage and share with them moments that you won’t find anywhere else, where you are cut off from the world”. Tender confidences.


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