the search for a mass grave of German soldiers from the Second World War has begun


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

J.-C. Batteria, L. Du Rusquec, C. Becchetti, N. Melart – France 3

France Televisions

A search campaign for a mass grave in Meymac in Corrèze started on Tuesday, June 27. It aims to find the bodies of 47 German soldiers, shot by resistance fighters in June 1944.

It is a secret of nearly 80 years that the forest near Meymac (Corrèze) is perhaps about to reveal. A vehicle scans the ground for the mass grave where will I beint the remains of German soldiers shot in June 1944 by resistance fighters. The objective is to offer them a burial in a military cemetery. In the village, many knew about it, but no one ever really mentioned these executions. until May. The last survivor of the resistance group decides to reveal everything at 98 years old.

Execute to save their lives

In June 1944, the Americans had just landed. Edmond Réveil, an 18-year-old resistant, goes with his group to attack a German garrison in Tulle (Correze). The fight is terrible with more than 60 dead. 47 Germans are taken prisoner. Resisted themnts and their prisoners try to escape the German columns. They then decide to separate from the prisoners to save their lives. On June 12, they are executed and buried. The search will last three days.

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