A young man killed in Nanterre after refusing to comply, a question about wearing the hijab in football, Emmanuel Macron talks about school in Marseille…

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Tuesday, June 27, 2023.

The themes :

Nanterre, a 17-year-old minor killed after refusing to complya video shows the policeman shooting at point-blank range, the mayor of Nanterre asks for the truth about the facts.

Wearing the hijab in sports, Gérald Darmanin “very opposed” to the authorization for female footballers to wear the hijab in competition. Divisive and sensitive subject pending the opinion of the Council of State. How far can the veil be tolerated in our secular Republic? Should its ban be generalized in sport and more generally in the public space?

Should the school holidays be shortened? Emmanuel Macron opens the reflection on a visit to Marseille. For the president, long vacations bring back inequalities. The first affected in his eyes, the children of the neighborhoods, with families already in difficulty. What would be the correct answers? Is National Education ready? The continuation of the presidential immersion “Marseille in a big way”: security, hospital, education. The Macron method to transform the Marseille city into a laboratory.

The informed:

Audrey Goutard, journalist and head of the investigation and reporting department at France Télévisions

Albert Zennoueditor-in-chief of the political department of Le Figaro

Cecilia Gabizonjournalist, vice-president and editorial director of the media agency ETX-Majelan

Jean Emmanuel Ducoineditor-in-chief, columnist, L’Humanité columnist


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