Emmanuel Macron in Marseille: school holidays soon shortened?


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Visiting Marseille in a school, Tuesday, June 27, Emmanuel Macron called to rethink the time of the school year. In particular, he plans to shorten the summer holidays. The point with the journalist Guillaume Daret.

Emanuel Macron”purely and simply considering shortening the summer holidays“, reports, Tuesday, June 27, the journalist Guillaume Daretduplex from Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhone). The president believes that too long a vacation “penalize children from families in difficulty, because it aggravates social and educational inequalities”and that shortening them would “better spread out the lessons throughout the year”and therefore to have less tired pupils.

Unions on the reserve

The teachers’ unions are very reserved. THE SNUipp-FSU considers that the priority should be first and foremost to ensure that students from families in difficulty benefit from the same activities and the same holidays as all the others”continues the journalist. As for tourism professionals, they “point to risks to the economy and fear job cuts“, concludes William Daret.

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