The ex call girl, Zahia Dehar tried to end her life… shock video!

In recent months, Zahia Dehar has chained the projects in all discretion. On a daily basis, the model gladly revealed some images of her shoots on Instagram. But this Saturday, December 11, 2021, the model seemed to be at its worst. She has also launched a live to confide on this subject to her followers. Victim of a “Narcissistic pervert”, the young woman would have tried to end her life. “I feel so so alone. I am psychologically destroyed. Look I even tried to cut my veins not long ago, trying to die “, she confessed, upset.

In her story, Zahia Dehar explained that this man was the cause of all her ills. “I want to kill myself every day, it’s awful, I didn’t know it was so dangerous to run into these kind of people”, added Karl Lagerfeld’s ex-muse. “I had heard that a lot of victims of narcissistic perverts wanted to kill themselves and I realize that it’s true I’m starting to want to die. I no longer have hope for my life, I have nothing left. ”

The latter very possessive would have done everything to get her away from the media world and social networks. “I used to shine, I met him, he brainwashed me and now he sees me all destroyed because of him, he’s a manipulator “, analyzed Zahia Dehar in tears and implored: “I want help, I beg you, I don’t know what to do”.

During his live watched by a hundred people, some of his subscribers wrote him countless messages of support. Distraught, Zahia Dehar also drew a parallel between her discomfort and her past as an escort. “That’s why I ended up working as a prostitute at the age of 15, that’s why. Since I tried love, this so-called love, which is supposed to be fine for our society, I have never been so humiliated and broken “, said the 29-year-old. “You can attack someone physically, but you can also destroy someone psychologically and that’s what he did, he planned everything to take all I had, all my happiness and then throw me away . I have the impression of not being able to get out of it, I am destroyed psychologically to a point which is extreme for me “. A cry from the heart that shook his admirers …


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