SQ spokesperson Claude Doiron accused of sexual assault

Sergeant Claude Doiron, spokesman for the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) in Eastern Quebec for several years, is accused of sexual assault and sexual contact with a minor for acts that allegedly occurred there. is 35 years old.

The 60-year-old police officer briefly appeared Monday morning at the Percé courthouse. He was present by videoconference and did not speak. His lawyer, Mr.e Jean-François Boucher, indicated that part of the evidence was disclosed to him by the public prosecutor.

He faces three counts, namely sexual assault, sexual interference with a person under the age of 14 and invitation to sexual touching, according to the arrest warrant that was able to consult The newspaper. There is only one alleged victim.

The document specifies that the events would have taken place in 1988 over a period of five months, when the accused was 25 years old. He was not then employed by the SQ.

The sergeant, who has thirty years of experience in the police field, was arrested on June 15 by the police standards service, then met by investigators and released. He has since been relieved of his duties on half pay.

As an information officer, Claude Doiron was the face of the SQ in the Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie and Îles de la Madeleine district for 11 years.

He was called upon to comment daily on police events in the media, which made him a well-known figure in the communities of his region and sometimes beyond. He was notably on duty during the ram truck attack in Amqui last March.

This news comes as the former spokesperson, originally from Gaspésie, was to begin his retirement this week.

“It’s never pleasant, a situation like this, for an organization. However, it is important to also take into consideration that there is a victim in these events. It is also important to take care of the victims. We will let the legal process, which will decide what happens next, continue its course, ”reacted Lieutenant Ann Mathieu, coordinator of the SQ’s Broadcasting and Media Relations Department.

The case will return to court for guidance on September 29.

More details to come.

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