his daughter is the target of insults and threats because of an animal abuse case

Saturday June 24, Claude Barzotti died, at the age of 69. The Belgian singer has died of cancer, as confirmed by his manager Laurent Comtat at theAFP. The artist “died at the age of 69 in his bed, surrounded by his two daughters (Vanessa and Sarah, editor’s note)”, in a town located between Brussels and Charleroi, in Belgium, he declared.

Animal abuse

In 2019, following an alert launched by the neighborhood, the three dogs of Sarah, the youngest daughter of the star, were taken away from her, for suspicion of abuse. “I was called all kinds of names without being able to defend myself. I was lynched on social networks. I no longer dared to leave my houseshe had told in the columns of La Capitale.

A case that had repercussions on his family as indicated by Vanessa, with the Last hour. She was mistaken for her sister. Owner of a ready-to-wear store in Belgium, she has been the target of numerous attacks and threats. “We talked about Barzotti’s daughter. For those who don’t know that there are two of them, it backfired on me. I’m tired of people throwing mean things at me that shouldn’t bother me. be intended”. Their father was also involved in this scandal. “I really cracked up because this story has been coming back to me for three months. And also to my father who has nothing to do with him. He who has always loved animals and who taught us how to treat them well”.

Family estrangement

As reported at the time RTL Infoquoting the newspaper The future, Claude Barzotti would have been at the heart of a family estrangement. Possibly under the influence of alcohol, the singer would have broken a bottle on the head of one of his daughters during an argument at home, also involving his companion. A story with a lot of gray areas that had forced justice to intervene. The interpreter of the title the Rital had been banned from all alcohol consumption and had been imposed a psychological follow-up.

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