threatened and watched, Booba fears for his life!

It’s been months since Booba declared war on those he calls “influencers”. A war which, according to him, is not without risk. For good reason… Exceptional guest of the Sud Radio program, Culture in all its formshosted by André Bercoff and Céline Alonzo, the famous rapper revealed that he had been the victim of numerous “adventures” at Miami. I had a spinning crew behind me, GPS trackers under my cars, an infrared camera on my gate to monitor my comings and goings. They paid people… Their goal was to put me in jail, lose my green card and be deported”he explained at the microphone of our colleagues this Friday, June 23, 2023.

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“It was a personal fight”

If he claims to know who is behind these operations, the interpreter of mona-lisa don’t want to say more. What happened to me is real, he added. I already posted it and it is very serious. Beyond the fact that they were crooks, it was a personal fight because they really wanted to hurt me.” Surprised by the confidences of the artist, André Bercoff made a point of underlining the fact that he could be delighted to have “won” the battle. In effect, “In June 1st, the law governing the sector was voted unanimously by the French parliament”, clarified the journalist. A law which, for Booba, does not mean much.

“As long as nobody is punished it’s worth nothing. If the law is not enforced… They have cheated many and many people, hundreds of thousands of euros, millions of euros, they have made money. money to do nothing, to rob people, without talent, they offer nothing, it’s decadence.” In other words, Elie Yaffa, his real name, is not satisfied.


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