what to remember from the interview with Emmanuel Macron, exceptional guest of franceinfo

Live from the Palais Brongniart, in Paris, the Head of State was asked about the challenge of ecological transition and the aid provided to developing countries in order to face the climate emergency and the fight against poverty. .

Emmanuel Macron was the exceptional guest of franceinfo radio, franceinfo Canal 27, RFI and France 24 on Friday June 23 at 8:30 a.m., on the occasion of the Summit for a New Global Financial Compact which is held in Paris. The President of the Republic answered questions from Marc Fauvelle (franceinfo), Mounia Daoudi (RFI) and Stéphane Ballong (France 24).

>> Program, guests, issues… What you need to know about the summit for a new global financial pact which begins Thursday in Paris

Live from the Palais Brongniart in Paris, the Head of State was asked about the challenge of ecological transition and the aid provided to developing countries in order to face the climate emergency and the fight against poverty.

“We can’t solve any problem if the world is divided”

This summit aims toreconcile the fight against poverty, the fight for biodiversity and the fight against climate change“, declared Emmanuel Macron, before specifying that”We can’t solve any problem, if the world divides“, while many leaders are present at this summit.

“We can’t choose” between poverty and climate

We can’t choose” between poverty and climate, also reaffirmed the President of the Republic, live from the Palais Brongniart, as part of the summit for a new global financial pact. “No one can succeed if we don’t win this joint poverty-climate fight“, he insists. “The countries of the South are reserves of biodiversity“.

“We are going to reallocate 40% of our special drawing rights”

France will reallocate 40% of its special drawing rights within the Monetary Fund
International (IMF), announced Emmanuel Macron. “We launched two years ago in Paris the reallocation of IMF special drawing rights to the poorest countries, particularly in Africa. We have said that at least 100 billion euros must be reallocated, (…) We French people are going to reallocate 40% of our special drawing rights, it’s concretet,” he claimed.

Special Drawing Rights are a monetary instrument intended to supplement the official reserves of States.

“Aberrant [que] of countries are reopening coal-fired power plants”

The priority is to come out big” country “emerging from coal“, affirmed the Head of State, regretting that in Europe, “of countries are reopening coal-fired power plants“: “It’s absurd“.

“We need international taxation”

We need international taxation” to finance the fight against poverty and the climate, pleaded Emmanuel Macron. The president called on Friday for a “mobilization“to set up international taxation on financial transactions, air tickets and maritime transport in order to finance the fight for the climate and against poverty.”Help us find all the countries which today have no FTT (tax on financial transactions, editor’s note) and which today have no tax on airline tickets. Help us mobilize at the International Maritime Organization in July for international taxation“, launched the French head of state on franceinfo, stressing that “international taxation in a single country does not work“.

This summit shows “the isolation of Russia”

Asked about the war in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron said: “What does this summit say? Russia’s isolation“.”Russia has put itself in a situation of no longer respecting international law“, he affirmed, assuring that he has “no reason to call today” Vladimir Poutine. “Russia does not play a beneficial role for the international community”he underlined, accusing Moscow of being a “Africa’s destabilizing power”.

Find the full interview with Emmanuel Macron on video:

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