the lives of patients changed by transplants


Video length: 3 mins.

France 3

Article written by

J. Ricco, J.-M. Lequertier M.-E. Guided, E. Revidon – France 3

France Televisions

Thursday, June 22 is National Organ Donation Day. Thousands of people have been saved through life-changing transplants.

Patients whose lives were hanging by a thread have been saved by organ donation. David Juillan, management controller, was 20 years old when his health deteriorated. Victim of kidney failure, he went on dialysis at the hospital. “I was very limited in everything I could do. Hope for a normal life is diminished. The only hope we have is a transplant“, he explains. After four years of waiting, he receives the kidney of a deceased person, to whom he is still grateful. His life has changed since the transplant.

The joy of being able to live as before

Laurène Messeca, HR project manager suffered a serious heart infection and benefited from several organ donations. She received a heart, but also a kidney, which was given to her by her mother. “The greatest despair for a mother is not being able to help her child“, says Isabelle Messeca, mother of Laurène. The operations require anti-rejection treatment to be taken twice a day and for life. For transplant recipients, this is nothing compared to the joy of being able to live as before.

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