Julien Doré’s latest album reissued to help Les Blouses Roses association

Since winning the show’s fifth season The New Star in 2007 on M6, Julien Doré continued success with more than two million albums sold, more than 450 million views on social networks.

Today he is reissuing his album Loved. Loved again includes nine additional titles and all proceeds will be donated to the Blouses Roses association, made up of volunteers who visit the elderly in retirement homes or even hospitalized children.

franceinfo: In this reissue, there are nine additional tracks and a lot of acoustics. You needed to find these pieces, but differently?

Julien Doré: It is a work of several months that I did with my fellow musicians. We really worked on going back to the studio, going back to the slightly “key” songs from this album, those that had been pillars and above all spending a lot of time reinventing arrangements.

A neat album for caregivers, since you have decided to donate all of the income you will receive on this reissue to an association, Les Blouses roses, which supports hospitalized people in their daily lives. It is important for you also to wink, knowing that in addition, you found the name of this album during the confinement?

There are plenty of very pretty signs that have come to arise on this meeting with this association and above all, the fact of having accompanied him, of having been able to see to what extent his presence raised not only a smile, but allowed during long hours of forgetting, imagining, dreaming through games, activities, etc. She needs volunteers too, people who say to themselves: “Me, I want to go to a retirement home, do activities, give back a little smile or in hospitals for the little ones. “

This album is a real continuity, with this family spirit. There has been a great event in your life, a great arrival. Has it changed your outlook on the essential?

“I have tasted wonderful things for my little ego. Today I want there to be some extra action.”

Julien Doré

to franceinfo

Of course, but I think it’s also closely linked to my artistic background. I had the chance to make several albums, to live a wonderful adventure on stage and that continues, even in a very short time there. But I need more. It’s quite strange what I’m going to say, but to give legitimacy to this luxury, to this privilege, every day, I say to myself: “But it’s incredible, with the doubts you had in your childhood, your adolescence, the first years of professional activity on construction sites, etc. It’s incredible that this chance fell on you to do what you love and that in addition you have people who love you and say thank you for that. “

I always have trouble realizing it and therefore this legitimacy there for me is accompanied by a necessity. Today, and especially in those days, when we do what we love and have a smile to share most of the time today, it is normal to do more.

In this reissue, there is a rather unexpected duet with Eddy de Pretto, The lethal Weapon. Does collaborating with new artists also change the way you sing? Isn’t that also a challenge for you?

Totally. It is really part of my daily life to seek, to discover young artists like that, people who completely shake up my little place because there are two ways of looking at it. We knew a French variety in the 90s, 2000, which was precisely terrified by the arrival of new artists. Me, on the contrary, I think it’s something that gives energy to go and meet these artists, sometimes even when we have the possibility at their very beginnings, to offer them the first parts. , collaborations, etc. It is extremely motivating.

“I am even rather reassured for the French song that new artists are arriving en masse and shaking up, at the same time, the codes and the small artists like me, installed for a few years.”

Julien Doré

to franceinfo

There is always this need to renew yourself, not to give in to the easiness, that is to say that even the acoustics are revisited, reworked, re-proposed.

Yes. I was going to say that it is essential when you are part of a category of non-essential people, to take care of what you offer. We occupy a place. I am lucky that you offer me a microphone, that people listen to me, attentive to my words. When I am about to share something with them, I owe it to myself to have fully taken care of this proposal. The more the years go by, the more I work, the more I work, the more I doubt and the more I doubt, the more I stress and that’s good. Fortunately I feel that.

I’m very, very afraid of not taking risks and with each album, with each story, it’s always the first thing that comes to my mind. Resume things from scratch, sweep away the comfort, get up from the comfortable chair in which I have settled, luckily, always get up from that and put myself in danger. This is also why I also change, for example, the teams with which I work, that I change the way I do things. It is extremely important to me.

It is Loved again and even ?

Love again and again.

Julien Doré is once again on the roads of France. He will be in concert on December 16 in Dijon, on 17 in Saint-Etienne, on 18 in Chambéry and again on tour after the truce of the confectioners.

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