Video length: 2 min.
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Michel Pialle, 51, ended up confessing to the murder of his wife, Karine Esquivillon, Friday June 16. However, he had been receiving the media for several weeks to express his concern.
For weeks, Michel Pialle received dozens of journalists at his home, anxious to show the face of an exemplary father and an understanding husband, he who claimed that his wife had disappeared voluntarily. Chilling words, in the light of the confessions that the man has just made to the gendarmes. Behind these assured speeches, several people in the entourage had noted contradictions. This is the case of the ex-husband of Karine Esquvillon, father of her first two children.
Many gray areas in his personality
Michel Pialle admitted having participated in scams before meeting his wife. But he claimed to have calmed down with her. In the village, few people knew the couple, who lived discreetly in a hamlet away from the town. The mayor had met Michel Pialle last year, for a question of town planning. He doesn’t have a good memory of it. “He claimed to know a lot of things, and in the end, I quickly realized that it was just wind”, relates Frédéric Rager, mayor of Maché (Vendée). However, Michel Pialle said he had degrees as a project manager and presented himself as an architect on social networks. One more gray area in the profile of the alleged murderer.