artificial intelligence already widely used in France

Artificial intelligence is already widely present in companies. This is demonstrated by a survey just carried out by Pôle Emploi among 3,000 companies with at least ten employees.

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Application to harness the power of artificial intelligence.  (THE PARISIAN / ARNAUD JOURNOIS / MAXPPP)

More than a third, 35% of companies with at least ten employees, already use artificial intelligence or are in the process of deploying it. Conversely, 57% of establishments do not currently consider it. But these figures hide large disparities. Thus in industry, AI is already well established: half of companies use it. The same is true in finance 44% and in trade 40%. More surprisingly, agriculture is a major consumer of artificial intelligence: nearly 60% of small agricultural businesses use its services. Generally speaking, the bigger the company, the greater the chance that it will use AI. Its use concerns 45% of establishments with 200 or more employees, according to Pôle Emploi.

It is primarily used for decision support: AI is asked to answer questions or perform diagnoses. This is the case in almost half of the companies using artificial intelligence. She is also called upon to extract information or converse with customers. Finally, it is used in robotics, through the use of automatic machines or robots.

A certain working comfort

The first effect declared by employers who use AI is, for three quarters of them, an evolution in the skills of the employees who use it. This is followed by positive effects on the health and safety of workers. And for 63% of user companies, artificial intelligence improves working conditions by reducing tedious tasks.

Artificial intelligence is therefore rather well received. Users insist in particular on the fact that it improves the performance of employees. This is the opinion of no less than 79% of companies in the industry, for example. Also frequently cited is reducing the risk of errors. The only obstacle to a wider use of artificial intelligence is its cost. Nearly half of companies cite this issue, as does a lack of internal expertise to deploy these tools.

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