“The final bill” for patients “will in fact increase”, according to the general manager of the French Mutuality

According to Séverine Salgado, it is “premature” to try to estimate the increase that will represent for patients the reimbursement of part of the dental costs by the Social Security on the price of their mutual insurance.

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Séverine Salgado, general manager of the Mutualité française.  (LUC NOBOUT / MAXPPP)

“The Final Bill” for patients “will in fact increase“, explains Friday June 16 on franceinfo Séverine Salgado, director general of the French Mutuality, which brings together a good part of the mutual insurance companies of the country. more, from October 1st.

This decision, “it’s almost 2% more expenses reimbursed by mutual insurance next year”, says Séverine Salgado. Gold, “these transfers will necessarily have an impact on the economic balance of mutuals”Who “unlike Social Security, cannot make a deficit and are now just in balance“.

Estimates are premature

According to the general manager of the Mutualité française, it is “premature“to try to estimate the increase that this will represent for patients on the price of their mutual insurance:”Health professionals are also currently negotiating with Health Insurance, we have quite fluctuating visibility on the final bill.

Séverine Salgado denounces a “gap” between the will of the government “to display an open position, a desire for dialogue” with mutuals and this “unilateral decision, without consultation or long-term vision”.

The coverage of dental care by Health Insurance will increase from 70% to 60% from October 1: the co-payment, the part of the expenses which remains payable by patients but which is often covered by mutual insurance, “will go from 30% to 40%”announces the ministry.

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