Olivier Faure says he is “in favor of a common candidate” from the left, thanks to “a loyal primary”

“I am in favor of the idea that, in fairness, there is a rally in a primary and that whoever has the most ability to lead us to victory can be our common candidate”, declared Sunday, December 12 on franceinfo the first secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure, after the meeting of the party candidate Anne Hidalgo in Perpignan, during which she again pleaded for a union of the left from the first round of the presidential election. “If the primary does not take place, it will go to the end”, added Olivier Faure.

franceinfo: Honestly, do you talk to the other left-wing candidates?

Olivier Faure: Of course we are talking to each other. Today there are two solutions. Either each continues on its own line, in its own lane, and we know the result, that is to say that we will have a second turn between the right and the extreme right. Another path is possible, it is the one proposed by Anne Hidalgo, which is a difficult path, which is a risk-taking for everyone, but where it is possible to come together to finally give credibility, the collective momentum that will allow to reach the second round and victory. I am not happy with our only debate as to whether to set the legal retirement age to 65 or 67.

If the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot tells you that he agrees with this union, but only behind him, will you do it?

In the polls, if you take this indication today, there are two points of difference between them. There is no reason to let the polls decide. Everyone must submit to this popular primary, make sure to have a debate that will be enlightened, which will bring back to the fore themes that are not at all in the foreground today, such as the purchasing power, health, education, housing, all these themes which are nevertheless the daily French, are the subjects on which we are constantly questioned.

“A primary will allow a debate to shed light on what the left can wear. Then, the French left will make a choice.”

Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS

to franceinfo

What is dangerous is to continue to oppose each other and none of us are in the second round. It’s very dangerous. We have to face the facts today: when the French look at us, they say to themselves that this vote will be useless because it will not allow us to go to the second round. What is needed is to regain a critical mass that will allow us to go to the second round and find a usefulness.

If this primary of the left does not take place, will Anne Hidalgo be maintained despite everything?

Yes, I am sure that if the primary should not take place due to the irresponsibility of each other, it would go all the way to defend what we believe and what we are. Because in an election, everyone must also defend what they believe in. We just think we can do it together. We are able to unite and ensure that tomorrow there is hope again. I am in favor of the idea that, in fairness, there is a rally in a primary and that whoever has the most ability to lead us to victory can be our common candidate. Here is a message which is very simple. And it is the one that 80% of French people who identify with the left carry with me. There is no simpler.

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