Strike in childcare centers: union members of the FIPEQ-CSQ in turn accept the agreement in principle

Members of the Federation of Early Childhood Workers of Quebec (FIPEQ-CSQ) in early childhood centers (CPE) approved, Sunday, 95.5% of the agreement in principle concluded last Wednesday with Quebec.

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This vote by union members, by the same token, puts an end to the indefinite general strike that was voted on November 24.

“On the strength of exceptional mobilization, the staff in childcare centers have made significant gains which ensure better recognition and recognition of the profession,” declared FIPEQ-CSQ president Valérie Grenon in a press release.

Earlier on Sunday, union members affiliated with the CSN also accepted the agreement in principle by 93%.

The agreement between Quebec and the FIPEQ-CSQ provides in particular for salary increases of 13 to 18% for qualified and specialized educators and increases of 8 to 12% for other employment groups.

Although the agreement was accepted by the members, the union organization maintains that it is “incomplete”.

“Several issues raised at the negotiating table remain unanswered while the interveners are exhausted by their tasks and the lack of support,” said Ms. Grenon in a press release.

This new employment contract will expire on March 31, 2023.


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