the peak of the fifth wave soon?



France 2

Article written by

S. Soubane, O. Longueval, MC Delouvrier, B. Véran, M.Mouama, O.Combe, L. Le Moigne, D. Chevalier – France 2

France Televisions

In France, the number of positive cases for Covid-19 seems to be stagnating at 50,000 daily cases. The vaccination campaign is accelerating in the country, and pharmacists can now open on Sundays.

Has the peak of the fifth wave of Covid-19 contamination been reached in France? This is what suggests the progression of positive cases in the country, since the beginning of the month. While they were on the almost uninterrupted rise since early December, they are now stagnant at just over 50,000 cases daily. At the peak of the second wave last year, 4,903 patients were in intensive care. Sunday, December 12, there are 2,539. A difference that we owe mainly to the vaccination coverage.

The vaccination campaign is accelerating, and the French can go to pharmacies to get their booster dose. Pharmacists are allowed to open every Sunday. Vaccinodromes are also reopening, such as in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), where a vaccination center performs 2,200 injections every day. If the fifth wave due to the Delta variant is stalling, health professionals remain cautious in particular because of the Omicron variant, which is gaining ground in Europe.

– Covid Tracker

– Directorate General of Health

Non-exhaustive list.

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