Minister Andrée Laforest says cities have the means to fund climate adaptation

Cities have leeway to fund their adaptation to climate change, Municipal Affairs Minister Andrée Laforest said on Wednesday.

Mme Laforest confirmed that she shares the analysis of Prime Minister François Legault, who used the example of higher salaries for municipal employees last week to demand better control of these expenses.

“The cities are autonomous and yes, the cities have room for manoeuvre,” she said at the entrance to the Council of Ministers.

The minister, however, refrained from directly pointing to the remuneration of municipal employees, which Mr. Legault estimated was 35% higher than that of government officials.

“Cities can have royalties on development, amounts for parking fees, we give several possibilities to municipalities,” she said. The cities are autonomous, but we hear the demands for climate change, we see it with the forest fires. »

In response to the municipalities, which are demanding a fund of 2 billion for adaptation to climate change, Mr. Legault had objected that the higher salary of their employees proves that a greater part of their budget could be devoted to this adaptation to climate change.

“Municipalities pay their employees 35% more than our employees in the Quebec government,” he said Friday. There must also be some expenditure control that is done in the municipalities. »

Andrée Laforest, Wednesday, was content to note the role played by elected municipal officials in the remuneration of employees of their services.

“In terms of salaries, it is the municipal councilors who vote the salaries themselves,” she said. The salaries in the municipalities are already established. »

Mme Laforest was quick to highlight the programs of his ministry and that of the Environment to respond to requests from municipalities.

“We hear the municipalities well with their demands for adaptation to climate change,” she said.

The Minister of the Environment, Benoit Charette, said in turn that means have already been put in place by the government to help municipalities adapt.

“The municipalities have the means at their disposal, the Quebec government is also there,” he said.

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