Remuneration | Dismissal of the prosecutors’ appeal for criminal and penal proceedings

Criminal and penal prosecuting attorneys have just lost another round, this time in the Court of Appeal, in the matter of their remuneration.

The Court of Appeal thus dismissed the appeal of the Association of Prosecutors in the criminal and penal proceedings concerning the remuneration of its members. And before her, in February 2022, the Superior Court had rejected the association’s request.

These prosecutors had their right to strike taken away, in exchange for the adoption of a mechanism under which an independent committee evaluates their remuneration, every four years, taking into account pre-established factors.

This compensation committee then makes recommendations. And the National Assembly can approve, reject or modify them.

In 2018, when evaluating compensation for the years 2019 to 2023, a disagreement arose within this three-member committee. Two of them recommended increases equivalent to 19.25% over four years; the other 10% over four years.

However, the government had decided to follow the opinion of the minority member of the committee, to the chagrin of the Association of Prosecutors.

The Association then went to court, alleging that the government’s response was illegitimate and that the committee’s review mechanism had not been respected.

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