Donald Trump pleads not guilty to the charges against him

After his release from court, the former American president, accused of having endangered the security of the United States by keeping confidential documents, reacted quickly in front of some supporters and journalists.

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US President Donald Trump as he leaves federal court in Miami, Florida on June 13, 2023. (JL / SIPA)

A historic appearance. Former US President Donald Trump, prosecuted for his negligent handling of state secrets after leaving the White House, pleaded not guilty to the charges against him in federal court in Miami on Tuesday (June 13th). “We undoubtedly plead not guilty”, said his lawyer Todd Blanche during the hearing. This paves the way for a trial, despite his campaign for the US presidential election of 2024. A federal judge notified him of the 37 charges against him. He left shortly after the court.

The 76-year-old Republican is accused of endangering the security of the United States by keeping confidential documents, including military plans or information on nuclear weapons, in a bathroom or storage room of his luxury residence Mar-a -Lago, Florida. This is the first time that a former US president has been charged at the federal level.

A few dozen demonstrators made the trip to the Miami court to protest against his indictment. Often wearing a red cap Make America Great Again, they denounced the lawsuits against Donald Trump in front of an army of journalists. He then went to a Cuban restaurant, where he stayed for about ten minutes. “We have a corrupt country (…) our country is in decline like never before”, reacted Donald Trump in front of his supporters.

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