Climate: the peat bog, a wealth to be preserved in the face of global warming


Video length: 4 mins.

France 3

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Peatlands are our allies against global warming by trapping large amounts of carbon. But their exploitation risks releasing greenhouse gases. So the state decided to stop all human activity in 2026, especially in the largest peat bog in France in the Channel.

The Tourbière de Sèves represents 600 hectares of marshland in the heart of the English Channel. Here, plant debris, peat, has been accumulating in the ground for thousands of years. “Peat can be either herbaceous, woody or moss”explains Emmanuelle Bouillon, curator of the Sangsurière nature reserve. The water present in large quantities in the soil limits the decomposition of these organisms which contain carbon. Peatlands therefore store large quantities of CO2 and limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Jobs at risk

But today, the environment is weakened because water from the swamps has been pumped for decades to extract peat, which is widely used in the manufacture of compost. The bog could then eject CO2. To avoid this, the authorities have banned the exploitation of the bog from 2026. A blow to those who operate the site. Jobs are also at risk.

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