Bernard Cazeneuve launches “the movement of orphans of the left” (and anti-Nupes)

The former Socialist Prime Minister is organizing Saturday, June 10 in Créteil (Val-de-Marne), the first meeting of his movement “The Convention”. Bernard Cazeneuve aims to find a place between Nupes and the left wing of Macronism.

To hear it, Bernard Cazeneuve wants to become the father of a fractured family today. The former Prime Minister says it himself to franceinfo: his movement, La Convention, East “a big orphanage”, “it’s the movement of orphans of the left”. He claims to have gathered 7,000 members in two and a half months. 60% of them are socialists, disappointed with the line of the leadership of the party’s first secretary, Olivier Faure. The remaining 40% are left-wing radicals and people from civil society.

But Bernard Cazeneuve affirms that members of the left wing of the presidential majority, gathered in Territories of progress, are interested from afar in his movement. Anyone who pursues his career as a lawyer dreams of seeing them join his movement. According to him, around twenty center-left parliamentarians have planned to come and listen to him in Créteil (Val-de-Marne) on Saturday June 10.

Objective: to gather an anti-Nupes left

The former Prime Minister of François Hollande wants “turn the page of divisions”. Nevertheless,
Olivier Faure – defender of Nupes – is not invited, “so as not to create confusion” explains Bernard Cazeneuve to franceinfo. On the other hand, he will roll out the red carpet to the enemies of the boss of the Socialist Party (PS). Those who share with him, an aversion for the Nupes and especially for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Namely, the figures of Refoundations, the current of Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, mayor of Rouen and First Deputy Secretary of the PS.

The former President of the Republic François Hollande and the mayor of Le Mans Stéphane Le Foll will also be in the room. They don’t really have the leader of the socialists in their hearts either. “This thing is a total dead end”, tackles a close friend of Olivier Faure. He laments “a left that constantly hits the left”. An isolated movement, according to him. “Bernard Cazeneuve would like to govern tomorrow, but on the left, no one comes to speak with him.”

Presidential candidate in 2027?

The former Prime Minister already sees far. First step: the European elections in June 2024. Bernard Cazeneuve intends to influence this next deadline, to press for a single list of the PS. If the Socialist Party joins forces with La France Insoumis, there will be a dissident socialist list, warns those around him.

The following ? The presidential election in 2027. Bernard Cazeneuve assures that he “has no personal ambition” but cultivates, like Jean-Luc Mélenchon finally, a form of ambiguity. It is out of the question for him to “destroy other hypotheses” than his with “malicious words”but “if necessaryhe said, I will not shirk.”

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