The Minister of Transport promises new night trains passing through Lorraine

The government wants to speed up the pace in terms of night train lines. Transport Minister Jean-Baptiste Djebbari announced this Sunday that he wanted to open a dozen additional night train lines in ten years in France. These lines would link the major European cities and could pass through Lorraine.

According to the minister’s statements to AFP, a connection between Metz and Geneva would be on the program. About ten lines in total crisscrossing the country, “from Paris to Briançon, Nice, Rodez and Albi, Latour de Carol, Tarbes, Bayonne and Saint-Sébastien (Spain), as well as from Paris to Perpignan, Cerbère and Barcelona and from Paris to Toulouse, Montpellier and Marseille. He added the Metz / Geneva – Nice / Barcelona / Bordeaux and Bordeaux-Nice transverse links.

Join Barcelona from Lorraine?

A service project from Metz and Nancy stations to Barcelona would also be under study according to the minister’s statements to AFP: “We also have a line project that would link Strasbourg and Luxembourg to Barcelona, ​​passing through Metz, Nancy, Montpellier and Perpignan“.

Beds equipped with bunk beds, with new rolling stock for 300 cars delivered within five to ten years, for an investment estimated at 800 million euros.

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