The host of “C to you” embarrassed by a very indiscreet question!

Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine is to this day one of the faces of the PAF most appreciated by viewers. Over the years, the host of “C à vous” has distinguished herself brilliantly with her determination and her talent! But in its beginnings in the middle, the wife of Philippe Coelho also saw green and not ripe. “I was asked to do ‘health’ topics and I sometimes suffered sexist remarks”, she revealed in the columns of “ELLE” last May.

And to go further without a filter: “I have found myself in borderline situations. Without it going as far as an attack. I am thinking in particular of the nerdyness of a man who had set me a professional appointment in a hotel room “. The journalist is happy to see that mentalities have changed: “I am delighted that young women today, with #MeToo, are much more seasoned on these subjects […]. If I have one regret, it is to have lost a little time, in my private life, before being totally in control of my existence, before knowing exactly who I was in front of a man.

In any case, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine is not about to forget her interview with Nadine de Rothschild. This Friday, June 9, 2023, the happy mother of two children and her teams received the widow of Baron Edmond de Rothschild on the set of “C à vous” who came to promote her book “Dearest Baronesses of Rothschild”. The author has always enjoyed teaching good manners to those who wish to shine in society.

see also:

“But, you two are a couple…”

Facing the camera, the ex-muse of Jean-Gabriel Domergue assured that a woman could put in “worth (her) husband” by orchestrating “a good dinner”. Tirade that Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine listened to carefully without adhering to her ideas. “You have, Madame, a fantastic function. How do you receive people, in the restaurant, at home?”, Nadine de Rothschild suddenly became interested. A bit taken aback, the ex-girlfriend of Mustapha El Atrassi then replied: At my house, but not to show off my husband, please excuse me. That’s not what I’m thinking about.”

Unfortunately for her, Nadine de Rothschild did not want to hear anything: “But, you are a couple, you work together, you have children, why not do something positive together. Why immediately have a negative side towards the man you live with ?”. Brilliantly, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine finally managed to escape her interrogation… Under the amused gaze of her columnists!


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