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Éric Ciotti, president of the Republicans and deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, was the guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Friday June 9.
Four children and two adults were injured in a knife attack in Annecy, Haute-Savoie, Thursday June 8. The vital prognosis was not lifted for two of them, Friday, June 9 in the morning. “It’s an abomination that happened, unprecedented in France. Touching a child is touching what is most precious, it’s striking innocence, it’s unbearable, incomprehensible”reacts Éric Ciotti, president of the Republicans and deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Friday June 9.
“Today there is a catastrophic management of asylum in Europe”
Some on the right, in particular at the National Rally, see in this drama a link with immigration to France. “Have we done everything to avoid this for years? […] Behind this affair there is a migratory chaos which is upsetting Europe, which is hitting France, with immigration which has become totally uncontrolled and which has a direct link with the increase in violence and delinquency.believes Eric Ciotti.
The man suspected of the attack was however in a regular situation, he was an asylum seeker, had obtained refugee status in Sweden and had just been denied his status in France. “He should not have been in France. The refugee status he received in Sweden did not allow him to stay so long in our country. […] This means that today there is a catastrophic management of asylum in Europe. We must change the French rules and we must no longer submit to rules that are imposed on us, which are unsuitable. This is the framework of our proposed constitutional law”, specifies the president of the Republicans.