“She, I can not”, the big blunder of Ines Reg, in full direct, in front of the speech of Miss Ile-de-France!

TF1 broadcast this Saturday, December 11, on TF1, the election of Miss France 2022. An evening punctuated by exceptional paintings and closely followed by an ultra VIP jury chaired by Jean-Pierre Pernaut.

Amel Bent, Inès Reg, Delphine Wespiser (Miss France 2012), François Alu, Philippe Lacheau and Ahmed Sylla were part of it this year.

The young women who tried their luck were also subjected to 50/50 votes by the jury and viewers, as the committee recalled.

If all have been questioned at one time or another by Jean-Pierre Foucault, one of the members of the jury has made a mistake in the midst of the election. This is the actress Ines Reg who made a very cash comment when Miss Ile-de-France made her semifinalist speech.

“She, I can’t”, she would have launched to François Alu according to several Internet users who spotted this extremely embarrassing moment.

Ines was undoubtedly unaware that the camera was pointed on her when she made this exit which risks to make talk!

To see also: Jean-Luc Reichmann stunned: the son of the animator completely addicted …


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